New 'hangover cure' drink claims to reverse effects in 30 minutes

You might have the best night of your life with your mates, downing pints and singing along to your favourite songs but you can practically guarantee you’re going to feel like microwaved s**t in the morning.

Yeah, yeah, you brag about how you ‘never get hangovers’, but more than most of us who drink have all woken up at least once wishing we could crawl into a hole and rot.

The pounding headache, the sickness, the hangxiety – all leaving you questioning if it was even worth it in the first place.

But in what sounds like some kind of miracle, sci-fi film creation, there’s a new ‘hangover cure’ drink claiming to reverse the effects in just 30 minutes.

And no, it’s not the hair of the dog or an orange Lucozade.

It's basically magic, supposedly. (@drinksafetyshot/Instagram)

Safety Shot is the latest addition to all those products claiming to banish our hangovers by breaking down alcohol and replenishing the nutrients we need to help recovery.

The Centre for Applied Health Sciences in the US found in a study that the drink can take action in just 30 minutes. But, of course, some experts are sceptical fo just how effective and quick the stuff is.

Hoping to allow drinkers to ‘never lose a day’, Safety Shot launched in the US before Christmas and quickly sold out.

It’s not actually available in the UK just yet but apparently is planned to launch before the end of the year.

The drink claims to reduce residual alcohol form being absorbed in the gut ‘by creating a shield around the gut wall’. It also says it reduces blood alcohol content through ‘several factors that help process alcohol more efficiently’.

Plus, with the combination of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, it’s supposed to help your body maintain hydration.

Then again, we'd try anything to bin off a hangover. (@drinksafetyshot/Instagram)

And Safety Shot’s final ‘step’ in supposedly curing a hangover is that it improves the overall feeling of wellbeing ‘through a cocktail of nootropics and vitamins’.

While some people seem to claim it works, a journalist who tested it for The Guardian found it didn’t quickly decrease her blood alcohol but affected her ‘alertness’.

Experts are pretty mixed on it too, and researcher at University of Salford, Sam Royle, told The Sun: “The mechanisms underlying hangovers are not fully understood, and whilst the product does include some ingredients that may be supposed to reduce inflammation or oxidative stress, which are thought to play a role in hangover symptomology, there are no actual, validated, hangover cures," he told The Sun.

And registered nutritional therapist, Lauren Johnson Reynolds said it might ‘help you feel better’, but isn’t so sure it could get the alcohol from your system so fast.

"I would be sceptical about the blood alcohol content being reduced that quickly, but I can see how it might make a person feel better," she said.Featured Image Credit: @drinksafetyshot/Instagram

Updated 16:14 11 Sep 2024 GMT+1Published 10:01 11 Sep 2024 GMT+1
'Miracle' anti-hangover pill that 'breaks down 70% of alcohol in 60 minutes' comes with money back guarantee
Plenty of people are raving about it!

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Freshers Week is just around the corner and it’s safe to say you’ll probably find yourself with a hangover or two over the course of the week. But what if we told you there was a ‘miracle’ anti-hangover pill... we're willing to be you''d be interested, right?

Well, the makers of the pill claim it will help you to wake up feeling as fresh as a daisy because of the way it helps you to digest any of the beer, cocktails or shots that you downed the night before.

And according to a recent study, it really does indeed work. So, here’s everything you need to know about the myrkl pill (pronounced 'miracle').

How does it work?

Available from the brand’s own website, Amazon, Superdrug and other chemists, the myrkl pill comes in a pack of 30 capsules. Or, you can try it out with the Trial Pack, which comes with four doses.

Essentially, the pill “breaks down alcohol into water and carbon dioxide before reaching the liver, but it also eliminates the calories associated with alcohol in the process," according to the brand. So, instead of it making you feel considerably worse for wear the next day, it changes the way that the alcohol affects your body.

In addition to all this, it actually adds vitamins such as vitamin B12, back into your body to help you feel more refreshed.

And because it removes the calories too, you won’t need to worry about getting a beer belly after necking quite a few beers every week in your first year of uni.

If it all sounds a bit too good to be true, the pills have racked up thousands of five-star reviews and even come with a 30 day money back guarantee, if you’re not happy with the results.

So, you can give them a try during your next drinking session and see whether or not they help you to feel altogether more human the morning after.

All you need to do is take two pills at least two hours before a meal – so before you head out to the pub or student union – and they should be working away within you to stop you from feeling the effects of the alcohol as much as you usually would.
What are customers saying?

One happy shopper took to the myrkl website to admit: “Not sure how I was functional before discovering these, the old days are a thing of the past! I no longer have to dread the next day. Definitely recommend!”

While a second explained: “Was very sceptical about this working, how wrong was I! Woke up after a big one and felt normal which is very unusual for me. Will definitely be using this again and again and again.”

Another simply called them a ‘lifesaver.’

With the Dose Pack starting at a tenner and the 30 capsule Pack coming in at £30 – or £24 if you buy it as a subscription – you might want to grab some before heading back to uni. Or if your uni days are behind you, think how they could come in handy after a night out or weekender.

Of course, it goes without saying that you should always consult a doctor before using these if you are taking any medication or have any medical issues.Featured Image Credit: Myrkl/ @ssam.ttaylor

Updated 10:20 31 Dec 2023 GMTPublished 10:13 31 Dec 2023 GMT
Experts warn about worst drink to avoid for hangovers as New Year's Eve approaches
This is one to avoid if you're out celebrating New Year's Eve
It’s New Year’s Eve, the one day of the year when it feels more or less mandatory to go out, even though we’re all skint and it’s freezing.

And if you are venturing out for a few drinks, there's one particularly bev you should avoid unless you want to be welcoming 2024 with a killer hangover.

By this point, life experience has probably taught you that some hangovers are worse than others and some are even worse than that; there are certain things we can do to try and limit the effect of our hangovers such as sticking to sensible limits, eating before you hit the bar and remembering to alternate your alcoholic drinks with water.

However, if you don’t fancy kick starting the new year with your head inside a toilet bowl, then you’d be wise to swerve one popular celebration drink: Prosecco.

For anyone who has ever experienced a Prosecco hangover you might be gently nodding along at this point, and it turns out there is actually some science behind it.
Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

Speaking to Tyla, sommelier and Club Vino founder Marco Castelanelli said: "If you find that you get the worst headache ever after a glass or two of Prosecco, then quite simply, blame it on the bubbles."

He added: "Prosecco and Champagne both contain little pockets of carbon dioxide which change how the alcohol flows through the bloodstream, helping the body to absorb the alcohol faster."

And if you've noticed that the bubbly gets you tipsy far too easily, it's not just the fact that you're downing it that causes you to get drunk.

Castelanelli continued: "Once in the bloodstream, the CO2 competes with oxygen - which is why you might feel a little woozy and rather drunk rather quickly, leading to an exaggerated hangover in the form of a pounding head."

As for how to prevent the killer headache associated with the bubbly drink, drinking a glass of water between each drink is a good form of damage limitation.
Pexels/Dmitry Zvolskiy

Drinking your Prosecco slowly will also help and you should obviously never drink on an empty stomach.

Castelanelli also recommends drinking a large glass of water before you go to bed. Well, that sounds easy enough.

We all have our own techniques for dealing with a hangover, whether it's having a cry in the shower or having a sneaky curer, hair of the dog style - but according to scientists, you should try a very specific food and drink combo.

A 2019 study by a team at the Institute of Chemical Technology in Mumbai, India said: "A beverage made from a blend of sweet lime, pear, and coconut water could be used to overcome hangover.

"The consumption of this beverage with cheese, cucumber, and tomatoes may further alleviate the hangover symptoms."

There you have it, then.Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Photo

Published 15:01 25 Aug 2024 GMT+1
Doctor warns about one common excuse people use to drink alcohol that may indicate you have problem
A doctor has explained how drinkers can 'maintain a healthy relationship with alcohol'

A doctor has issued a warning to people who use a common excuse to drink alcohol which could be indicative of a problem.

Dr Arthur, a NHS F2 medical professional, has taken to TikTok (@dr_arthur) to explain how drinkers can 'maintain a healthy relationship with alcohol'.

This is important in helping avoid alcohol misuse, which is 'when you drink in a way that's harmful, or when you're dependent on alcohol,' according to the NHS.

The health service advises people to not regularly drink more than 14 units a week.

And this ties in with Dr Arthur's advice, which is to give yourself a break from drinking in the week.

"First one is drink more than three days in a week," he began.

"And it's super important to have that time between drinks to allow your body to get rid of the toxins, to allow your liver to regenerate properly and it's super dangerous, even if you're only drinking quite a small amount, to be drinking every single day, without that break."

Dr Arthur also opened up about a common excuse we will often give and that's to drink 'because you're stressed'.
A doctor has explained how drinkers can 'maintain a healthy relationship with alcohol'. (Getty Stock Images)

"Number two is that I would never have an alcoholic drink if I was stressed, i.e. at the end of a busy shift, just to wind down," he added.

"It can very quickly become a coping mechanism and it's really important to have a healthy relationship with alcohol.

"So drinking purely because you're stressed, doesn't mean you can't have a drink when you are stressed, but you shouldn't be drinking to get rid of that stress."

Lastly, the health expert urges everyone to 'get rid of the stigma' of not being open about struggling with alcohol.

"Number three, and in my opinion, the most important one, is I would never be embarrassed about going to your doctor about issues with alcohol," Dr Arthur concludes.

"Whether it's you feel you have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, whether it's to the point you're actually addicted to alcohol.

"And I also encourage you to discuss it with your friends and your family.

"Get rid of the stigma around this, it's as much as a disease as anything else addiction, so it's really important to discuss it with people around you, especially your medical professional if you feel you've got a problem."

Please drink responsibly. If you want to discuss any issues relating to alcohol in confidence, contact Drinkline on 0300 123 1110, 9am–8pm weekdays and 11am–4pm weekends for advice and support.Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Updated 16:49 2 Jun 2024 GMT+1Published 16:44 2 Jun 2024 GMT+1
Sign you may be functioning alcoholic can be seen in pub as summer begins in UK
If you think you could be struggling with alcohol, here is one sign to look out for

An expert has revealed the one sign to look out if you're concerned that you might be a high-functioning alcoholic.

As the weather (finally) begins to warm up across the UK, most of us will be heading out to enjoy the sunshine with a cold pint in a pub garden.

After all, 1 June signals the start of the summer months.

But are you aware of the signs that your drinking could be turning into a problem rather than something to enjoy responsibly?
Summer offers up plenty of opportunities for drinking. (Getty Stock Image)

If you're that you may becoming too reliant on your evening tipple an addiction expert has shared the key sign that you or a friend could be a high-functioning alcoholic - and it's something that you can spot at the pub.

Now most of us are probably guilty of taking drinks with friends a little too far every now and again, however if you're drinking heavily too often it can be a sign that you could be developing a problem.
What is a high-functioning alcoholic?

According to guidelines issued by the UK Addiction Treatment Centres, a functioning alcoholic is a 'person with an addiction to alcohol, but manages to go about their daily routine, therefore their drinking problem goes unseen'.
High-functioning alcoholism is often hard to spot. (Getty Stock Image)
Key sign of someone being a high-functioning alcoholic

If you're concerned that your drinking habits could be becoming unhealthy, here is one simple sign you should be wary of.

According to the expert, the tell-tale sign of functional alcoholism is being unable to call it quits after one drink and instead finding excuses to stay out all night.

“Initially, they intend that they will just have one or possibly two, and they may sincerely wish to believe this and tell others in your company to reaffirm this belief,” the expert writes.

“But one will always turn into more as they will inevitably find an excuse to continue drinking, whether it be another round, chatting to a new person, or an offer on beverages such as ‘happy hour’.”
High-functioning alcoholics are sometimes aware of their behaviour. (Getty Stock Image)

The expert went on to add that as a high-functioning alcoholic you may be aware of the issues in your relationship with drinking but could potentially make excuses to avoid talking about it due to 'deep rooted anxiety'.

Justifications often made by high-functioning alcoholics often include phrases such as 'I work so hard. I am entitled to have fun' or ' pay the bills, take my kids to school, and get to work on time. Alcoholics can’t do those things'.

item New 'hangover cure' drink claims to reverse effects in 30 minutes
New 'hangover cure' drink claims to reverse effects in 30 minutes
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